Friday, April 2, 2010

Etiquette and Comparison

Ideally, instructors and participants want the perfect class.  A class with communal energy, inspiring words of wisdom and a balance in the variety of postures, sounds ideal. We are not all looking for the white picket fence and Julie Child's perfect cooking techniques. Unfortunately, we all have our own vision of the perfect class on the specific day. It does not always turn out to be perfect but it is important to modify and work with what you can. Giving-up is not always the best option. Work with your emotions and do not let them overcome your designated time for physical, mental and spiritual release.

The challenge of setting aside the time to practice Yoga or exercise in a group is admirable, and it is hard when the class does not suit your needs. Trying to modify the class to suit you and  reaching for the positive will only make your time worthwhile.

Recently, I have noticed a difference between my Yoga classes and my body tone class at my fitness center. Yoga class continues to hold strong attendance and when people have to leave early they tell me in advance. The students love the class but they have academic time tables, too. In my body tone class, lately students have been leaving ten minutes before the end of the 55 minute class.  They leave as soon as stretching and the final steps begin. As soon as one person leaves nine more follow. One student always reminds me that she has class and has to dart quickly before the end of class. Thank you for consideration. It is hard to understand whether a student is appreciating the class or completely miserable.

Another significant difference I have noticed is the level of energy and stimulation found in each class. Yogis are constantly challenging themselves, asking questions and looking for more opportunity to practice. The body tone participants are far from engaging because they keep their cell phones close, leave early, and struggle putting the equipment away properly. Who answers their cell phone and texts during a workout? Not all participants in each category I mentioned above match up, but this is the majority.

My body tone class could be lagging because I am much more focused on Yoga and incorporate alignment and breath throughout the class. The students in body tone are looking for someone to motivate them throughout the whole class and give them the "perfect" workout. Yogis seem to be always ready for a new pace and style. They show more exploration and bring their own energy to share with the students.

Last night I went to a restaurant to specifically have its Tallahassee, FL famous black bean burger. The black bean burger was unavailable and two of us were disappointed. We had anticipated the ideal meal and it was hard to find another item on the menu. After a little adapting and looking further into the options I chose the perfect item. I survived and had a black bean burger today at another location. Somehow the stars aligned and I was able to have what I wanted a day later.

Finally, if a class does not suit your needs talk to the instructor and see if they have any suggestions. Share your insights or just move on after the class is completed. The instructor wants to give their best and it is nice to share in the giving energy. Karma.

Peace friends.

Whitney =)

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