Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No Music, No Problem!

Sometimes as instructors we forget our music, our brains, our yoga mats and/or which left foot we are using during a our Yoga instruction. The idea of a perfect Yoga class does not always match our predictions. Somehow the ancient Yoga Gods come together and create a way for us to find harmonious balance. Most students wandering into a Yoga room are looking for a way to feel good, to get his or her high. The loving Yogis really do not care about the simple imperfections that teachers might see as relevant. Find your heart and soul because that is all you need to guide a Yoga practice.

The art of music complimenting the flow of a Yoga class is amazing; however, the breath can also be of service. The music sometimes prevents us from fluid breath work, so teaching a quiet class every once in a while can be a delicious treat for the body, mind and spirit.

Every couple of months I find myself forgetting my favourite Yoga teaching tool, the ipod. I seriously feel naked without it. When it is lost I begin to realize how much I rely on the music to set the class tone. More recently I have begun to realize that I set the tone of the class. My personal attitude and words are what set the tone for each class I instruct. The loud and wild music might get the students all wound up but if I teach without enthusiasm or excitement than the music will not have much of an impact.

Believe in your teaching purpose. Believe in your teaching abilities. Let your students find the love you present in each Yoga class you guide.

For students reading this just remember your Yoga spirit and you will always be enlightened by the bigger picture a Yoga community presents.

Really wild ginger girl : )

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cold Yoga Rooms

Morning Yoga practice is a wonderful experience. Waking up and moving your body is a great way to start your day. Practicing within a yoga community is energizing when our bodies are stiff and tired. There are only a few things that I enjoy more than waking up and practicing Yoga.

However, morning Yoga practice in a freezing cold room is not a wonderful experience. Fortunately, Yoga practitioners of all kinds know how to work with what they have present. Yogis are magical beings. We have no negative thoughts and can overcome everything. No student or practitioner troubles their thoughts with frustration or anger while practicing in the cold. A perfect setting is not what the Yoga people are really searching for during their 30-120 minutes of practice. The Yoga mind turns on and the cold dissipates. Yoga can see the clear picture:) That's right our bodies turn into Yoga. Yoga is our body even in extreme cold temperatures. Mental Yogic state over powers any scientific matter or fact. Up dogs, down dogs and even cold dogs help Yogis focus. The cold is simple and we can all over power our physical symptoms. The chattering teeth, the shaking body, the goose bumps and the numb fingers + toes are not real when we are Yoga. Remember it is mind over body?

For the less empowered Yoga practitioners, practicing in the cold can be miserable. Cold can be damaging for our precious muscles and tendons. Wearing lots of layers to overcome uncomfortably chilly temperatures is the key to success. I am sorry that you cannot overcome the cold temperatures but preparing for the worst will only help to enlighten or even start your practice.

Finally, for the people who are controlling the heater in the studio we are sorry and we want our heat turned back on. I am not sure what we did to deserve the cold damp temperatures but we are really sorry and will be on our best behavior if you will just turn the temperature back up : )

For the love of Yoga.

yours gingerly,

Wild Ginger