Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Share Your Energy

As the weather takes a sharp turn many of us are finding ourselves sick and/or overwhelmed. Cool weather can place a huge shock on the human body and it is important for us to ease into the changes. Yoga classes can head south when everyone is feeling tired and negative. It is the yoga instructors job to help alleviate the strain and negative emotions bringing down the class energy. While in a dreary yoga class, yogis with energy should try their best to help relieve the negativity by smiling or by maintaining an open heart throughout his or her practice.

In life we are always in a rush and it is beneficial to apply gentle yoga skills to the "stressful" daily obstacles. Humans cannot be in "perfect" form each day but as a yogi I believe it is my duty to share the good energy when it is present within myself. The expression, "smiles are contagious" stands true even in a yoga class. Making everyone feel accepted and comfortable can go a long way. Kind, soothing energy is all we need to make a practice feel amazing.

Stay healthy and help those out who are having a hard day. Spread the love and it will come right back to you.


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