Thursday, October 7, 2010

Something New

First of all- I would like to thank Ms. Aker for encouraging me to keep writing in my blog. Even if no one is interested in reading my writing I really enjoy the personal reflection and life record keeping.

Like others- Moving to a new location and accepting change can seem like an impossible challenge. Where do you find your first friend and locate a place of like-minded peers. Where will I find a place to practice and teach Yoga?

Present Life Outline:

My current role in Lakeland, FL is as a volunteer assistant coach for the Cross-country and track team at Florida Southern College. I am also working for the Wellness Centre and teaching Yoga to the students. Florida Southern is a Frank Lloyd Wright campus and it was ranked number 9 on the most beautiful campuses in the USA.

Cross-country practice is every morning at 5:30 a.m. Over the first set of weeks I found the morning wake-up a challenge- it is starting to get easier.  Setting my alarm clock for 4:30 a.m. did not make me feel warm and fuzzy all over. Some mornings I found myself arriving late because I had failed to move upon the alarm. I am getting better at waking up early and I kinda love the early morning routine. Bed is no later than 10:00 p.m. and I usually feel well rested after I get moving in the morning. The darkness just makes it hard to budge out of bed.

The Cross-country team has two assistant coaches and the other assistant coach is basically- awesome. She is my first official friend in Lakeland, Coach Beaver=)  Great gal who loves to adventure everywhere- especially in thrift stores.  She can always find the treasure.

Teaching Yoga on the Florida Southern campus is quite a bit different from the Florida State campus but I have a regular group of Yogis whom I adore:)  Classes are much small, so I am still longing for the packed classes full of energy back in Tallahassee.  Miss you guys! Coach Beaver comes whenever she is not working at the Holiday Inn and she really helps add to the classes energy.  It is nice to have familiar faces in class- they help calm my nerves and make guiding postures easier. Our Yoga/ fitness room overlooks Lake Hollingsworth and it is a gorgeous view! I can even adjust the rooms temperature which is a huge plus!

My new home is nestled in South Lakeland with my fiance, Cooper. We have been working hard to live in a small space with limited storage.  Under our bed is the main storage space. Our rent is cheap and the place is well kept. I am looking forward to a cockroach-free year!   We do have tennis courts, lakes filled with gators and some beautiful pools.  I have been working on my tennis skills however my focus is really off.  It is so hard to focus during a racket sport and Cooper is trying to guide me in the 'right' direction. Everything is feeling more like home and the streets are much more familiar.

As far as my personal yoga practice goes I have found a wonderful Yoga studio, Satya (Truth) Yoga.  My instructor, Rickie Hart, is a former dancer from NYC. She has an Engineering degree, is a Chi Gong master, and has studied with numerous Yogis. Her physiological background has been highly informative and I am learning so much about my own physical restrictions. My restrictions have become my guides to better alignment and muscle movement. I love her guidance and I love her patience. She teaches on average 4 classes a day and takes Sundays off. Her energy is boundless.

Off to Cross Country practice and teaching Yoga!



  1. LOVVVEEDDD it Whitney!!! :)

    Plus, you'd better not like your new classes better than your 8 AM classes last year!! :) Miss youuuu!!! Com back and teach at FSU, we miss you!!!

  2. I so miss my 8 AM classes!!!!
    Thanks for reading and commenting- I miss FSU too! We all have to grow-up at some point! xx
