Thursday, July 22, 2010

Asia's Vinyasa

After an exciting day of wedding planning, I was graced with five pleasant Yoga students. Four women returned from Monday night class and we had a new male! It was his first class and he did amazing. Class flew by quickly. I even managed to finish on-time, because the karate kids do not like to wait for their space to practice.

I now know all the students' names and we have started our own yoga community at Bodyworks Gym. The students are enjoying the change in class structure each class. I love the variety of choices Yoga provides, because you can structure a yoga class different each day. During class, my primary concern is the well-being of each student; therefore, I focus on giving tons of cues and further guiding a student when they are in a compromising position. After six weeks, the class is starting to flow and the new Yogis are showing more familiarity with the postures.

After teaching class, I re-focused on getting to my own Yoga practice at Energi Studio with Asia. I had 30 minutes to get across Kitchener to Waterloo for my 6:30 p.m. Yoga session. My first class was free, so all I had to do is show up in comfortable clothes, and listen to Asia's instructions.

My dentist, and a friend suggested I check out her class. I heard she was great, but no one could pin point what made her such a great instructor. I think student's keep returning because of her clear voice, yoga knowledge and passion for the practice. It really showed. A yoga class continues to survive each week, when the instructor does a great job and it looks like she has the right recipe. I love going to new yoga classes but if the class does not intrigue me I almost never return.  I hope to return to Asia's class before moving to my new home in Lakeland, FL.

Asia had a great sequence for the class's level. She had clean postures and left an appropriate amount of time to enjoy each posture. The mirrors helped students see their alignment and watch her from a different angle. Fortunately, I was warm before class because the warm-up was short and the room was freezing. The yoga flow incorporated Anusara and Ashtanga techniques. The style combination was greatly appreciated, and it was refreshing to have a new instructor.

I have fallen for Anusara alignment, because it has really helped me find depth in certain postures such as Uttita Trikonasana. The class could have benefited more by her giving direct instruction to students out of alignment but she did do a great job of explaining each posture verbally and through physical demonstration. Each instructor has his or her style, I just prefer the instructor verbal instruction over demonstration.

Studio Energi had a great space. The room was built in a corner. Asia stood in one corner and the room fanned out with students. The music was very calm and it help create a comfortable ambiance. If you are in the Kitchener-Waterloo area I recommend that you go and try Asia's class at Studio Energi. I know she is also, offering a teacher training program for those looking to expand their practice.


yours gingerly,

Coxswain Schnarr

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