Monday, October 5, 2009

Vampire Yoga II

During the month of October Vampires become a popular topic of discussion. The familiar Halloween season reminds us about the walking dead. Designing a yoga class for Vampires really makes me excited after watching the show, True Blood.

Vampires and Mortals will simultaneously practice pranayam and asanas exercises in the same room. These two wonderful groups of people can find a way to be harmoniously be together. Vampire Americans can once again feel connected to their mortal roots, while mortals can show more acceptance and compassion towards former humans. Finding a common ground for vampires and mortals will help them develop skills to live and to work together.

Beyond the yoga community effect: Practicing yoga with help the stiff vampires who are sleeping in hard and restrictive coffins. Twisting, bending and folding will provide opportunity to release tension where Vampires find strain and discomfort. Opening their chests may release their heart chakras. Opening the heart chakra will bring forth emotional release and perhaps giving the Vampires a chance to revisit store emotions held against mortals and other Vampires. Releasing their chests has the potential to create a more peaceful society comprised of Vampires and mortals.

Instead of looking at each groups differences look to find common ground. Look to find ways to modify a situation and accommodate both sides.

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